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OCR: OAKMARK FUND EMERGES AS THE BIG 12-M0NTH WINNER WITH A 41. .4% GAIN In the months to No. 1.0akmark topped our 20 diversified exquity funds witha41 10 rcturn outrunning second -place Skyline Special Equities (see page 821 hymore chan 14 percentage points. Some of Oakmark biggest gains cameon cable-TV company Liberty Medis up 122 and credit -card issuer First USA up55% In all, more than half of the 20 funds beat the average stoct portfolio's t51.7% gain. bzain lpasto Now. Top performers nhia iltle ranked by one-year return Type 1992 Telephont Oakmark Fund Gto 19 32.4 0.0 N.A 5.0 Nore 11.002 8.0-476-9625 Skyline SpecialEqaities SOG 22.2 27.1 21.0 12:1 8.0 Nere 1.003 830-458-5222 Heartland'Vahie SCG 13 18.9 26.5 14. TE5T2 AP 1.003 860-432- .7856 Parmassus Fund 73 18.2 04.2 33.3 21.7 50 3.5 2,0 ...